Episode 3

#Ep 03: The One Post You Can Write Today To Get More Sales

Published on: 16th June, 2022

Unpopular opinion time: in order to get more sales, you need to talk to more people. The tool that has the greatest capacity to make the biggest impact is social media.

One of the simplest things you can do today to book more clients, have more impact in the world, and have the freedom you’re craving is to give more people the opportunity to invest in you and your offer. 

Ask what they want! Take the time to learn what your audience is about, what they’re looking for, and whether your offers are lining up with that or not.

Try the 10-word Post: “Hey, are you looking for ___ (insert whatever you solve)? Say yes below.” See what you get!

I challenge you to try this technique and let me know how it goes! DM me @alisakaycoaching

If you loved this episode, we encourage you to Share, Like, Review, and Subscribe! 

For more copy and content tips and ways to make more money now, join my FREE group here >>> https://alisa-kay.com/group

Music credit: “Ready, Steady, Go!” and “Free Radical” By Gyom

A Podcast Launch Bestie production

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Alisa Kay:

You're listening to the modern coach podcast, episode number

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three, where we're going to give you a very special, actionable item

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that will get you more clients.

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So stay tuned.

Alisa Kay:

Well, welcome to episode three.

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I am super jazzed to be talking to you today about something super simple

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that I think a lot of coaches miss.

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So today's episode is going to be a little bit shorter, a little bit

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sweeter, because I want to talk to you about talking to more people.

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I know what a revolutionary concept.

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That talking to more people will get you more sales, but I think

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a lot of us have this strange relationship with selling.

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A lot of us think that selling is bad.

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Selling a spammy selling is the most evil thing that you could possibly do.

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But surely when you sell your services, when you sell your coaching,

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when you sell your offer, when you sell your product, that is when you

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are helping people get a result.

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So if we have.

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Complicated relationship with selling.

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And we have this complicated relationship with just talking to more people.

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How can we ever wish to impact the people that we want to impact?

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And I think that one of the.

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Most interesting things.

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And one of the things that makes the least amount of sense to me is the

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fact that coaches sat there in their offices, telling themselves that

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social media is the root of all evil.

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When actually is the reality of the situation, social media is the

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tool that has the most capacity for the most amount of impact.

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And I don't know about you, but I'm interested in helping as many

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people as absolutely possible.

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And I'm interested in helping as many people realize their

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own head and potential.

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Of course, I'm going to, show up on social media.

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Of course, I'm going to talk to the people.

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And I think that one of the, one of the simplest things that you can do

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today to book more clients, to have more impact in the world, to be able to

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make the money that you want to have, the freedom that you're craving is to.

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Talk to more people give them the opportunity to invest in you, to invest

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in your services, to invest in your offer.

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And then by giving them that opportunity, you're going to be able to essentially do

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the thing that you've always wanted to do.

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But so many of us are in our heads about even just having a

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conversation with a potential client that, you know, we psych ourselves.

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So today's episode is going to be slightly different to the first few,

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in that I'm really wanting to give you something actionable for you to go and do.

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and the reason that we're going to sort of intersperse these action

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items is because I want you to be.

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Take the advice that I'm giving you and go and actually

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implement it in the real world.

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Now I know that you're probably on the park, you know, or you're walking

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your dog or your washing, the dishes.

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That's how I usually like to listen to podcasts, but this little nugget

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of gold is going to, if you do choose to take me up on it, it's going to

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absolutely revolutionize how you see having those conversations with people.

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I think that the thing that makes.

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Social media so great is that it's supposed to be social.

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You're supposed to show up and actually talk to the people on it.

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Now it doesn't mean that you have to spend 4,000 hours on social media

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every week in order to make headway.

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But it does mean that if you are giving your audience an opportunity to actually

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follow you and follow your methodology and your teaching, then you're giving

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people more opportunities to get to know you when you're giving people more

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opportunities to have a conversation with you, because that's what.

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It is.

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It's having a conversation where your essentially interviewing a client to see

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whether they're the right fit for you.

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And they're interviewing you to see whether you're the right coach for them.

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But all of that happens way, way, way further down the line.

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First, we have to get comfortable to have some conversations, right?

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So what I want you to do is literally grab your phone, grab

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a notepad, and write this down.

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And it is called the 10 word email.

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And it was popularized by a dude called Franken who was like an old age.

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But at this point, marketer, who is, rose to fame in the 19.

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For his direct copywriting style and Franken is excellent at what he does.

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He's also, I would say like one of the original row marketers.

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So take from that what you will, but this little trick that I picked up from

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him is probably one of my simplest.

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Strategies that I like to teach and new new clients.

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And it is one of the easiest things that you can implement.

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So it's not something that I created, but it's something that

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you've probably seen everywhere.

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So let me, let me break it down for you.

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The 10, what email or the 10 word posts as I like to call

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it is essentially this it's.

Alisa Kay:

Hey, are you looking for INSEAD?

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Whatever you solve.

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Question mark.

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Say yes below.

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So if I am an attrition coach and I am talking to people who want to lose weight,

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I would say, Hey, I used to looking for nutrition advice for losing weight

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question mark, say, yes, if you are, and I want you to go and post that on your

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timeline, go and post that in a group.

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If you have.

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Go and email that to your people because it is the simplest yes or no question

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that people can raise their hand to.

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And it is one of my favorite ever strategies for making more money

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quickly because here's the thing.

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Most coaches have created lots of great content.

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What they're not doing is actually giving people an opportunity to win.

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The not giving people an opportunity to actually say yes to them.

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They're just creating content, content, content.

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They're showing up online, stopping.

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They're starting a dah, dah, dah, dah.

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And actually you don't know how many active people you have in your audience

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because you're not asking them.

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Do you want this thing?

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So by you giving people the opportunity to raise their hand, you can then see,

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okay, well, if no one's responded to this post, then you know that you have.

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Work to do.

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You have to create some demand for whatever it is that you're selling.

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If you've had people, you know, if you've had 10 comments, common saying,

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yes, I am looking for this thing.

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Then you can then start that conversation and go deeper.

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We never just want to pitch people from the top.

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And we want to actually get to the root of the problem, but this little 10 way.

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Exercise is the simplest way for you to see who actually is in your audience,

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who is interested in what you have.

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And I wouldn't necessarily overuse this.

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The problem is that you're probably seeing, you know, a bunch of people

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use the 10 word post everywhere, and it sort of becomes a repetitive.

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If you have not abused this power with your people, then

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it's a great SPUs step in you.

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Stepping out of your comfort zone and actually asking to see who

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in your audience is interested, who in your audience wants have

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a little bit of what you do.

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and I, again, I just find this one of the best, most actionable strategies

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for drumming up interest and business in my business, particularly when

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I haven't made an offer in a while.

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And I think that there is a time and a place for a longterm.

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Strategy for, getting coaching clients consistently.

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And there was a whole blueprint for that.

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But if you're in a spot where you're like, you know what, I haven't booked a

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new client in a really, really long time.

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And I'm really, you know, I, I want to just try something new that I would

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try this strategy because it might.

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Bring you a client or two that you didn't even expect.

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And it's one of my favorite things to get clients to do because

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it always, or it always works.

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There is, you know, unless you have a Delta audience, which again, in itself,

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like posting that or emailing that to your list is a really good indication

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of how many active people you actually have in your audience and how many people

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are willing to actually talk to you.

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And in my experience, business is just that it's talking to other people

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and giving them an opportunity to.

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I am known in the business of convincing people to buy my coaching.

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I'm not in the business of convincing people to.

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Get my offer.

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I'm not in the business of forcing people to invest in working with me.

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I'm there to give them an opportunity to say yes or no.

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And whether they say yes or no is absolutely up to them.

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It makes no difference to me.

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You don't want to buy anything from me.

Alisa Kay:

That's a okay.

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With me, I'm here to give you the opportunity.

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To say yes to me in different ways.

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But if you've been, creating content and not giving people the opportunity,

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that's where we have a problem.

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Like how can people say yes to you if you haven't even met an offer.

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And in fact, Let's say side tangent for a second.

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I was having a coaching conversation with a client yesterday and she was

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saying to me like, well, I've raised the price of this offer and it hasn't worked

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I to, okay, well, that's interesting.

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Why hasn't it worked?

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And she was like, well, I don't know.

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Maybe it's the price of the office.

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So I've lowered it back down.

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And I said to her, okay, well, how are we measuring that?

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So how many people have you spoken to about this same offer at this new.

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And she was like, well, I haven't had time to promote this offer to anyone.

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I was like, okay, well, so do you know whether it's worked with

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this new price or are you just making up a story in your head?

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And she was like, yeah, I'm making up a story because I haven't actually

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tried to sell it at this new price.

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And how many of us are like that?

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How many of us have already made up a story that our audience is dead?

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That no one wants to buy it from us that, you know, this.

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Price increases the root of all evil that this, this, this than that.

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How many of us have been in that spot?

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And I'm here to tell you that it's time to stop overthinking and actually

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give people an opportunity to run by.

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So I hope you take my advice on this very specific 10 word technique.

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as I say, it is one of my favorite things to do, particularly when I

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haven't made an offer in a while.

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And I just know that if you do implement this little nugget of gold, that.

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It's going to bring you some information, whether it's, information that you

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were looking for, or not that's up to the university decide, but it will give

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you something to action and it will give you the best next step forward.

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And what I want you to do before we sign off with this episode is actually DM

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me on Instagram to say how this little challenge of this golden nugget went

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for you, or you can find me at Lisa Kay coaching, and you'll be able to see

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my Instagram handle in the show notes.

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The reason I'm giving you this little challenge is to a make sure that you're

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actually, you know, actioning it.

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But B I want to see how, you know, this exercise goes for

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you and for your business.

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There is nothing worse than just passively consuming, a bunch of kittens.

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And are actually doing anything with it.

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Um, I think this little challenge, uh, that's going to take you less than a

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minute to implement can have not only a great impact on your business, but can

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also actually bring you those soulmate people to your door and can give you

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that shift that will boost the little, you know, the little win that perhaps.

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You've been craving over the last few weeks, if not months.

Alisa Kay:

So thank you again for joining me in this episode.

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About the Podcast

Own Your Message Podcast
Welcome to the Own Your Message podcast: the place where I teach you how to be consistently authentic online so you can create magnetic content that excites your audience and shows you as the expert that you are.

I’m Alisa Kay, and I’m a business coach who helps hidden experts become in-demand entrepreneurs fast. I’ve spent the last 5 years studying content, copy, marketing and the principles behind coaching psychology. I have helped hundreds of business owners learn how to show up more powerfully, take back their power, and make more money by tapping into the strategies I will be sharing.

In this podcast, you’ll learn how to harness the power of your unique story and use magnetic marketing tools so that you can confidently OWN your place in your industry.

Get ready to transform your marketing to reach more people and finally feel authentically YOU online.

Previously the modern coach podcast.