Episode 10
Ep #10: Lessons You Can Learn From Beyoncé To Create Life-Long Fans
Whether you’re a fan of her or not, you have to admit that she’s built an empire. Think about what you’re willing to do for someone you truly loved. What superstars would you follow to the ends of the earth?
This podcast launch is called “Alisa Does Lemonade” because of how impressed I was with Beyoncé’s combination of music, storytelling, and video when she released Lemonade. Where can you zig when others zag? Where can you stand out in your market? I’m not expecting you to copy a multimillion-dollar marketing campaign, but there is a special kind of magic in binge-able content.
It’s easy to forget the kind of impact that we make on our clients. It’s amazing when they have success, and it was them that did the implementation work to make that happen, but don’t forget that it was you that facilitated that change. There’s always something you can take from a different industry and you’re only failing if you stop trying.
What’s your favorite Beyonce song? Tag me @alisakaycoaching and we’ll debate about it!
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Music credit: “Ready, Steady, Go!” and “Free Radical” By Gyom
A Podcast Launch Bestie production
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You're listening to the modern coach podcast.
Alisa Kay:This is episode number 10.
Alisa Kay:Well, we're going to be talking about Beyonce level marketing.
Alisa Kay:Hello.
Alisa Kay:Welcome one.
Alisa Kay:Welcome all we are on episode 10, which means that you have come, you
Alisa Kay:have binged, you have consumed all of the content before this, and now we're
Alisa Kay:going to be talking about something that is very, very dear to my heart.
Alisa Kay:Something that is very important.
Alisa Kay:And of course it is the queen herself, Beyonce.
Alisa Kay:And before you sign and sign off, um, and before you decide that this is not
Alisa Kay:an episode for you, because perhaps you are not to be on safe and perhaps,
Alisa Kay:you know, you don't get the hype, perhaps you don't even like music.
Alisa Kay:Who knows?
Alisa Kay:I don't know.
Alisa Kay:I don't know your tastes.
Alisa Kay:This is an episode that I think is going to.
Alisa Kay:So, so, so helpful for every single coach out there, because if you can understand
Alisa Kay:the fundamentals of why the people that we listen to, why the idols of today get.
Alisa Kay:To the superstardom status and how you can implement some of
Alisa Kay:those lessons into your business.
Alisa Kay:Your life will change because if you can get these very, very simple principles
Alisa Kay:that literally every single small business owner can implement, then your marketing
Alisa Kay:starts to become a lot more unique.
Alisa Kay:You start to sound like, you know, the superstar of your specific
Alisa Kay:niche and industry, and you ultimately end up making more.
Alisa Kay:And having more impact, I don't know about you, but I don't think there's
Alisa Kay:anyone in the world who loves a singer or a songwriter or a musician who
Alisa Kay:doesn't feel impacted by that music.
Alisa Kay:And for me, one of those people is definitely Beyonce
Alisa Kay:and I was never, I don't know.
Alisa Kay:I don't really get that vibe, but I was never really a festival goer.
Alisa Kay:So what I ended up doing, um, in my younger years, like my friends
Alisa Kay:had to convince me to have like the quote unquote festival experience.
Alisa Kay:And when I saw that Beyonce was headlining, one of, one of the
Alisa Kay:UK festivals, like I just had to go because I had to see her.
Alisa Kay:She hadn't had a concert in such a long time.
Alisa Kay:Um, It was really then that I realized, oh, well, what will we do for our idols?
Alisa Kay:But with like, if I'm happy to camp in a really, really smelly field for
Alisa Kay:four days and stand under the rain, just to get close to like the goddess
Alisa Kay:herself, like there is something to that.
Alisa Kay:Right.
Alisa Kay:And I, and I always get curious whenever I watch my own behavior.
Alisa Kay:And whenever I look at how I'm relating or how I'm behaving,
Alisa Kay:because if, if I can see myself.
Alisa Kay:Exhibiting some of these factors, like going to a festival in a muddy
Alisa Kay:field, even though I, you cannot pay me a million dollars today to
Alisa Kay:go and see a band that I don't like.
Alisa Kay:And a muddy field life is life is not for me.
Alisa Kay:The muddy fields are not for me, but I was willing to do that for
Alisa Kay:someone that I really truly loved.
Alisa Kay:And I think how many of us.
Alisa Kay:Sacrifice little bits of our comfort and go out of our comfort zone to, to
Alisa Kay:see people that we love to consume that content to, you know, stay up late.
Alisa Kay:I don't, I don't know how many times I've stayed up for a coaching cooler,
Alisa Kay:you know, 1:00 AM or, or 11:00 PM where I've really, really loved that coach.
Alisa Kay:And I, and I really appreciated that work.
Alisa Kay:And I think so many of us under estimate and undervalued.
Alisa Kay:The superstardom factor that is possible in this industry and the fact that we
Alisa Kay:can, you know, I'm not saying I want to be like levels of Beyonce famous,
Alisa Kay:but we can impact people in such a way where, well, you know, people are.
Alisa Kay:Happy to stay up later.
Alisa Kay:People are happy to wake up at the crack of Dawn to talk to us,
Alisa Kay:to see what we have to teach.
Alisa Kay:And I think that marketing plays such a huge role in establishing that stardom.
Alisa Kay:So today I'm going to tell you about a little bit about why I chose to
Alisa Kay:market this podcast in this specific way and where it all came from.
Alisa Kay:, we decided to call this alyssa does lemonade because ultimately
Alisa Kay:I really believe in this theory called being bingeable.
Alisa Kay:And I think that if you have a lot of content for people to
Alisa Kay:consume, you become a bit like.
Alisa Kay:And again, I don't know about you, but whenever I get obsessed
Alisa Kay:with something, I get upset.
Alisa Kay:I'm in that trying to figure out all of the different facts, all of the
Alisa Kay:different content that I can consume.
Alisa Kay:Whenever, whenever I get like really reading into something.
Alisa Kay:I am there like digging out stuff from 10 years ago, I'm figuring,
Alisa Kay:like looking through the Google, such history, I'm, I'm really like
Alisa Kay:genuinely being immersed in the content.
Alisa Kay:And how many of us think of our marketing that way?
Alisa Kay:How many of us think of a clients approaching us and finding us
Alisa Kay:online and how many of us actually just don't even think about
Alisa Kay:the body of work that we leave?
Alisa Kay:Right.
Alisa Kay:So if we're looking at Beyonce levels of marketing, The reason, I think she's very
Alisa Kay:successful and has been, particularly in her later career is because she
Alisa Kay:understands how we consume content.
Alisa Kay:She knows that she can get her audience to sit down and watch a two hour movie
Alisa Kay:that she's created and follow the story.
Alisa Kay:And not only that, but write an expo, say on all of the different imagery
Alisa Kay:and all of the different symbols that she's included, particularly in
Alisa Kay:the lemonade film, which I am as a I passed scholar of literature and a past
Alisa Kay:scholar of storytelling specifically.
Alisa Kay:I was just in nor of, oh my God.
Alisa Kay:Like, this is the new way.
Alisa Kay:presenting music.
Alisa Kay:And as someone who loves stories, I was just enthralled and I loved, that whole
Alisa Kay:marketing campaign and that whole movie.
Alisa Kay:And I think, you know, she just loved all of the, all of the
Alisa Kay:accolades for that specific album.
Alisa Kay:Because to me, it was like the height of new age marketing, where if you can
Alisa Kay:get your audience to sit down and pay attention to for an extended amount of
Alisa Kay:time, particularly in an industry that is.
Alisa Kay:Very much like well-established that you drop a track and you know, the people
Alisa Kay:who listened to the track and maybe it's out of order, maybe it's an order
Alisa Kay:and maybe you have, you know, Maybe you have one story within one track,
Alisa Kay:or maybe you have a story within three.
Alisa Kay:Like if we look at Taylor Swift's music, for example, but I don't think at that
Alisa Kay:point, to my knowledge, there wasn't anyone who would literally sat down and
Alisa Kay:created a whole story with a whole album and presented it in a video format.
Alisa Kay:Like that was a revolutionary.
Alisa Kay:And I think when you start to feel.
Alisa Kay:Like that, where can I Zig when others zag, where can I find the gap in my
Alisa Kay:market to do something different and to be extraordinary, like we, we need to
Alisa Kay:start thinking about a marketing, not in the, you know, 3, 3, 4, 5 blueprint
Alisa Kay:that every other guru out there teaches us because yeah, that worked, that
Alisa Kay:worked for them five, 10 years ago, but it doesn't mean it was going to
Alisa Kay:work for you and for your business.
Alisa Kay:And I think that looking at these bigger industries and biggest stars.
Alisa Kay:And the way that they do their marketing could be so, so helpful in a finding
Alisa Kay:inspiration, but be also looking at how can you differentiate yourself?
Alisa Kay:Like let's get real Beyonce's marketing team probably spends millions of dollars
Alisa Kay:on figuring out what's going to work.
Alisa Kay:She probably, you know, of course we have like the behind the scenes lemonade,
Alisa Kay:whatever, extra scenes, where it was all her idea and she wanted to do X, Y, and Z.
Alisa Kay:And of course there is that like creative control.
Alisa Kay:But I think when we start to look at these bigger marketing campaigns
Alisa Kay:and we start to think, oh, well, you know what they're doing works, what
Alisa Kay:they're doing is, has been researched.
Alisa Kay:And there is a reason why these people are doing the things that they're doing.
Alisa Kay:And you start to think about it like this.
Alisa Kay:Like what, what can I, what can I borrow from these different.
Alisa Kay:Completely different industries to us.
Alisa Kay:I don't want you to, you know, copying coach marks launch plan.
Alisa Kay:That's not going to be helpful.
Alisa Kay:It's not going to serve your clients.
Alisa Kay:What I would like for you to do is look at what are the, what are the
Alisa Kay:things that you are obsessed with and how can you make more of that?
Alisa Kay:In your business, how can you include more of the things that you love to
Alisa Kay:consume and enjoy, and how can you create a similar experience for your audience?
Alisa Kay:And when I realized that I was like a binge watcher, in fact, you know, my
Alisa Kay:partner and I laugh because we have to book out days in our calendar whenever.
Alisa Kay:And you are returning show comes like case in point.
Alisa Kay:I'm very excited for the umbrella economy to come back.
Alisa Kay:Uh, hopefully, hopefully if you're listening to this in the
Alisa Kay:future, it was a great season.
Alisa Kay:And I literally booked out a day in my calendar to go
Alisa Kay:and binge watch that season.
Alisa Kay:Cause I love that show and I love to consume.
Alisa Kay:Back-to-back I don't want to wait.
Alisa Kay:And I think a lot of us are that way.
Alisa Kay:So when it came to thinking about how can we launch this podcast in the most, in the
Alisa Kay:most unique and best way, I don't want to just do a three-part, you know, webinar.
Alisa Kay:Um, and I didn't want to just do something very generic.
Alisa Kay:Like let's do an Instagram giveaway.
Alisa Kay:Don't get me wrong.
Alisa Kay:Sure I will, you know, we'll buy you a coffee and yell, let's do a
Alisa Kay:raffle, but how can we innovate?
Alisa Kay:How can we make this different?
Alisa Kay:How can we make this fun?
Alisa Kay:Again, a lot of the marketing that I'm seeing in our industry is
Alisa Kay:just boring, plain old, the same blueprint, the same everything.
Alisa Kay:And when something becomes the same and something becomes boring, you audience
Alisa Kay:tends to switch off too, because if I'm.
Alisa Kay:Things boring then I bet you, my audience are too.
Alisa Kay:So we of course like when we want to launch a product, there
Alisa Kay:is a fanfare quote-unquote.
Alisa Kay:So when we sat down and started looking at what would be the most
Alisa Kay:fun and surprising way to launch this podcast is well not to tease it for
Alisa Kay:400 weeks and be like, what is coming?
Alisa Kay:Do you know, what's coming.
Alisa Kay:Look at me.
Alisa Kay:I had a fun meeting.
Alisa Kay:Look at me in headphones.
Alisa Kay:Look at me doing this.
Alisa Kay:I didn't want to do that.
Alisa Kay:That felt like really laborious and just dull an overdone.
Alisa Kay:But what if I could implement my be bingeable concept
Alisa Kay:that I teach in my programs?
Alisa Kay:What if I can show my people that.
Alisa Kay:They can consume content like on Netflix and they can do it through her podcast.
Alisa Kay:And wouldn't that be fun?
Alisa Kay:Like that felt so, so aligned for me.
Alisa Kay:And again, like it's Alyssa does lemonade.com for a reason, because I
Alisa Kay:wanted to create this experience and show you that, that, you know, you can
Alisa Kay:launch things and you can implement different strategies that you love.
Alisa Kay:And it doesn't have to be the same old, same old, just because your code.
Alisa Kay:And even if you're, you know, my clients will tell you this, even if you're working
Alisa Kay:with me, I will always tell you to do things your way to figure out how can
Alisa Kay:you take what I've done and what works and do it better, do it in your own way.
Alisa Kay:And by better, I do mean do it in your own way.
Alisa Kay:Cause you know, what will work for your audience?
Alisa Kay:And nine times out of 10, you know, you might be a non binge or
Alisa Kay:you might have a, you know, a show slot scheduled every week in your.
Alisa Kay:That's totally cool.
Alisa Kay:But you know, are you marketing and the way that you like to be marketed
Alisa Kay:to, or are you swiping someone's system that doesn't feel aligned?
Alisa Kay:So I think for me, Beyonce level marketing, Number one, know your power.
Alisa Kay:What is it that you'll really, really good at?
Alisa Kay:If there's one thing that I know about Beyonce is that she's not, you know,
Alisa Kay:you're trying to become a rap artist.
Alisa Kay:She knows what she's good at.
Alisa Kay:She's good at creating great music and she is not afraid to try other
Alisa Kay:things, whether it's brunch off into other inter interests, but she's
Alisa Kay:doing the things that she's good at.
Alisa Kay:She knows what she's about.
Alisa Kay:She's the star at the end of the day.
Alisa Kay:And I think sometimes we forget that as coaches.
Alisa Kay:We're so good at serving other people.
Alisa Kay:We're so good at facilitating those transformations and actually
Alisa Kay:delivering those results that we forget that, that magic.
Alisa Kay:Yeah, of course.
Alisa Kay:It's your clients doing the.
Alisa Kay:I'm not sat there saying to you like, oh, well my client had a 10 K a month
Alisa Kay:and it was all me like, the coaching gods came down from heaven and went up.
Alisa Kay:Elisa's the best.
Alisa Kay:No, of course not.
Alisa Kay:My client did the majority of the work.
Alisa Kay:Did I facilitate that transformation to get from, from a to B?
Alisa Kay:Yeah, I did, but it was her who, who essentially implemented and who
Alisa Kay:went with the blueprint who went and did the walk, but it doesn't mean.
Alisa Kay:I did less work, right.
Alisa Kay:Or that I didn't help her get there.
Alisa Kay:And I think sometimes we disregard the amount of impact that we have on people.
Alisa Kay:And we forget that we are actually the star of our business, that, you know,
Alisa Kay:you are the queen of your kingdom and that you are the star of the show.
Alisa Kay:And I think sometimes taking some of that.
Alisa Kay:Sasha fierce energy and putting your crown on and really owning the fact
Alisa Kay:that yes, you are about us coach.
Alisa Kay:Yes.
Alisa Kay:You can do the things that only you can do and you know, doing forget it.
Alisa Kay:Sure.
Alisa Kay:Like, of course you didn't do any of the work that your clients did,
Alisa Kay:but if you hadn't shown up, would they have really gotten that same.
Alisa Kay:Most likely not.
Alisa Kay:So let's stop shying away from the subject.
Alisa Kay:Let's stop.
Alisa Kay:Disvalue doing what we do as coaches.
Alisa Kay:And let's just own the magic because you are the magic nine times out of 10.
Alisa Kay:Then I think the other lesson, you know, the third one, if you want
Alisa Kay:to make it a list is that Beyonce looks at her stuff as a body of work.
Alisa Kay:Like whenever I do a program or whenever I create a piece of content, I look at it.
Alisa Kay:I'm replenishing the whole well of my body of work.
Alisa Kay:It's not just this one program is me and it's not just like this one story is me.
Alisa Kay:It's everything that I've created makes up the totality of my body of work.
Alisa Kay:And I think sometimes we forget that, you know, a programs evolve, you evolve.
Alisa Kay:There's nothing wrong with you doing different things.
Alisa Kay:Five, six years later.
Alisa Kay:Who I am as a coach now is so different to who I was as a coach three years
Alisa Kay:ago, like it's night and day, and even looking at, you know, past the video.
Alisa Kay:Sometimes this is a fun exercise for you to do is have you looked
Alisa Kay:at a past content, like video of yourself, go back a year.
Alisa Kay:And what your life that you did go back two years and look at the emails
Alisa Kay:that you sent, like the tone and your confidence probably has increased tenfold.
Alisa Kay:And you just haven't even noticed because you haven't
Alisa Kay:looked at it as a body of work.
Alisa Kay:And as you grow, your content is going to grow and your programs are going
Alisa Kay:to get better and better and better.
Alisa Kay:And I think looking at it like a body of work, It's just like, you
Alisa Kay:know, albums have a mood and have a time and hour about a place.
Alisa Kay:Your programs can do a very, very similar thing.
Alisa Kay:And I think that's really cool because as you grow your content and your presence
Alisa Kay:grows too, I then also think that, you know, we, we can learn from, and Beyonce
Alisa Kay:in terms of like the consistency of the era of mysteries, what I have in my notes.
Alisa Kay:What do I mean by that?
Alisa Kay:I mean that, you know, that Beyonce is going to have an album out, like,
Alisa Kay:you know, there's an anticipation.
Alisa Kay:For her body of work to come out.
Alisa Kay:And why is that?
Alisa Kay:Well, because she's consistently created stuff.
Alisa Kay:She hasn't, you know, she might've had a hiatus here or there, and she, might've
Alisa Kay:not created music for a little while, but you know, when you're excited, when she's
Alisa Kay:ready, you know, and I think sometimes.
Alisa Kay:Zigging when all the zag, right.
Alisa Kay:That whole excitement of, oh my God.
Alisa Kay:She hasn't created anything in a while.
Alisa Kay:Like, like, like it's kinda, it's coming tomorrow and you don't know
Alisa Kay:what's coming, but it's coming tomorrow.
Alisa Kay:Like that whole era of mystery is something that I think a
Alisa Kay:lot of us can learn from it's.
Alisa Kay:How, how do you create anticipation?
Alisa Kay:Are you just dropping stuff onto your audience or you're actually
Alisa Kay:getting them ready for a big fin finale, big reveal, big event.
Alisa Kay:And I think, you know, the music industry is really interesting in terms of just
Alisa Kay:the way that it markets, because it's probably shifted the most over the
Alisa Kay:last 10 years, I would say with Spotify and licensing and everything else.
Alisa Kay:So if you're interested in business and in marketing, I think the music
Alisa Kay:industry as a whole can be a really great case study in watching.
Alisa Kay:How does the marketing world evolve and why.
Alisa Kay:Why it has evolved that way and how you can implement some of those lessons.
Alisa Kay:Because at the end of the day, these people that we listen to while we're
Alisa Kay:walking our dog, while we're in the car, the people that get on the radio,
Alisa Kay:um, and the people that are in our ear that was Masa and they're impacting
Alisa Kay:people in a very, very real way.
Alisa Kay:And I think that.
Alisa Kay:You know, your coaching and your content can have the same ability
Alisa Kay:when I'm, you know, when I'm driving, I can be listening to Beyonce or
Alisa Kay:can be listening to a podcast.
Alisa Kay:And I think that's the real, really, really cool thing about being a
Alisa Kay:modern coach is that you start to be that entertainment and you start
Alisa Kay:to be that voice in someone's ear.
Alisa Kay:You start to, to essentially take up the space that.
Alisa Kay:That I think we, we don't necessarily talk about so much.
Alisa Kay:And I think it's your job as a modern coach to not only deliver great
Alisa Kay:content and great value, but to also be entertaining to a point, right.
Alisa Kay:If I'm listening to a podcast, I'm learning something.
Alisa Kay:Right.
Alisa Kay:And I am also entertaining myself because I'm most likely.
Alisa Kay:Alternate walk I'm most likely cleaning my house or doing the
Alisa Kay:dishes or doing something else.
Alisa Kay:Right.
Alisa Kay:The people are in our ear and we are essentially, um, getting into attained
Alisa Kay:and getting educated at the same time.
Alisa Kay:And how many of us forget that without content?
Alisa Kay:How many of us don't really think about the consumption of
Alisa Kay:whatever it is that we're creating?
Alisa Kay:So if there is one thing that I hope you take away from this episode,
Alisa Kay:There is always a pocket and there's always a way for you to do something
Alisa Kay:different in your industry to stand out.
Alisa Kay:There's always something for you to take away from, from a popular concept
Alisa Kay:or take away from, from a completely different niche or space that you can
Alisa Kay:implement in your own to be different.
Alisa Kay:And if there has been something that you've been like, oh, that's a really
Alisa Kay:crazy idea, but I think it might work, but no one's ever done it before.
Alisa Kay:Like you're probably onto some gold and, and what, what's
Alisa Kay:the worst that can happen.
Alisa Kay:You launch it and it flops.
Alisa Kay:You move on and you launch it another way, you know?
Alisa Kay:You were only failing if you stop.
Alisa Kay:Trying is one of my favorite favorite sayings that is on a
Alisa Kay:post-it note in my house somewhere.
Alisa Kay:And I think it's a very, very valid statement that, you know, you
Alisa Kay:can, you can Zig one of the Zack.
Alisa Kay:Sometimes it will pay off and it will pay off tenfold.
Alisa Kay:And sometimes it won't, but you don't know until you try and it's better
Alisa Kay:than being boring and the same as everyone else, because believe you.
Alisa Kay:All of our industries are getting more competitive.
Alisa Kay:People are becoming savvier.
Alisa Kay:They know what you're doing when you're, you know, dropping, dropping those
Alisa Kay:little marketing things that might've worked 10 years ago, but don't anymore.
Alisa Kay:Um, and then the smarter audience becomes the better.
Alisa Kay:I think we all have to be at positioning ourselves and marketing.
Alisa Kay:I'd actually be.
Alisa Kay:The Beyonce of your industry, Beyonce doesn't care about
Alisa Kay:the new quote unquote talent.
Alisa Kay:In fact, she encourages it.
Alisa Kay:And I think that's really, really, really cool.
Alisa Kay:Wouldn't you want to be the Beyonce of your niche?
Alisa Kay:Wouldn't you want to be, you know, the person that everyone is
Alisa Kay:waiting for the next drop, right?
Alisa Kay:The, the person who people will love to come to a festival and
Alisa Kay:watch, like, I think the coaching industry has that potential.
Alisa Kay:It is a fairly new field.
Alisa Kay:People are.
Alisa Kay:You know, people are willing to spend money.
Alisa Kay:Number one, but number two, people are excited for the transformation
Alisa Kay:that coaching can provide.
Alisa Kay:And I think that is the coolest, coolest thing.
Alisa Kay:So I want you to Zig zag.
Alisa Kay:I want you to know your power.
Alisa Kay:I know I want you to.
Alisa Kay:Enjoy right at not only being a coach, but actually owning the fact that
Alisa Kay:you facilitate these transformations.
Alisa Kay:And when was the last time you told people, that's what you do, you know?
Alisa Kay:And finally I would really, really, really, really, really love for you to
Alisa Kay:bring more Beyonce into your business.
Alisa Kay:Bring more of that, that uniqueness, that talent.
Alisa Kay:I'm the only one that does this energy, and celebrate that what you
Alisa Kay:do actually matters because I think being a modern coach essentially
Alisa Kay:means that you are owning your power.
Alisa Kay:You're owning your, your expertise.
Alisa Kay:And you're unafraid to call yourself a coach, which.
Alisa Kay:If you're going to be Beyonce, I think you have to be on afraid and you have to
Alisa Kay:show up for yourself first and foremost.
Alisa Kay:So thank you so much for listening to this episode.
Alisa Kay:I hope that you enjoyed it and I want to see and hear what's
Alisa Kay:your favorite Beyonce song is so share it with me on my Instagram.
Alisa Kay:It's at Elisa Kay coaching.
Alisa Kay:You'll see it in the show notes as well.
Alisa Kay:Um, and I will probably debate you.
Alisa Kay:I will debate you on your favorite song.
Alisa Kay:Cause I've, I've got a very specific one in mind and you can only fight
Alisa Kay:it out if you come into my DMS.
Alisa Kay:Uh, okay.
Alisa Kay:So thank you so much for joining me this episode.